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Singapore Angelic Reiki Healing

What is Reiki?

Reiki is a Japanese term and means universal life energy.  All over the world, it has been used for many years, as a form of healing which utilises this energy, to enhance well-being, wholeness and harmony. It empowers the body to heal itself on all levels.
Students of Reiki receive attunements from their Master/ teachers which allows them from that time onwards to be permanent channels of Universal Life Energy.
Special Symbols are used by a Reiki practitioner during the healing treatments, which further increase the depth and intensity of the of the energy flow.

How does Angelic Reiki differ from Usui Reiki systems?

Angelic Reiki and Usui Reiki are somewhat similar healing system that use the same Reiki symbols.  The difference is the process of facilitating the attunements and the healing session.  In traditional Usui Reiki, the attunements are performed by the Reiki Master.  The Reiki energy is channelled through the Reiki practitioner’s hands to the client or recipient in a systematic step-by-step hands-on process.  The healing energy flows to the part of the body that is most in need, thereby increasing the body’s natural ability to heal and restore itself. Usui Reiki is hands-on healing or magnetic healing which is healing done through physical contact of the healer’s hands.
In Angelic Reiki, the attunement is facilitated by the Master Teacher who holds the sacred space unconditionally and invokes the angelic energy for the angels from the Angelic Realms to perform the attunements on each student.  Similarly, the Angelic Reiki practitioner facilitates the healing process by holding the sacred space unconditionally and connecting with the client’s energetic body or physical body, while an Archangelic Presence overlights the healing process. This allows the Divine spiritual healers to perform the healing at the level of client’s energetic body by bringing in energy that is the most perfect for the client.  When healing is initiated using this method, both the healer and the client receive a download of Soul energy, which in turn raises their consciousness.
For the client, this allows old thought forms not in tune with Divine vibration, to be dislodged and transmuted into higher vibrations. For the healer, it enables them to sense the causes of disease more clearly. 
Therefore, Angelic Reiki is transformational for both healer and client.


How does Angelic Reiki energy work?
An Angelic Reiki session is a combination of magnetic and radiatory healing that makes it possible for someone to receive healing on every level – physical, emotional, mental, spiritual and Soul.  The most wonderful aspect of Angelic Reiki is that the healing is done by the perfect Divine Presence of the Angelic Kingdom.   

Is it safe?

Angelic Reiki is a safe and natural way of treating any imbalances. Redressing the balance on a very deep level can have profound and wonderful life changing effects.  Because healing occurs on the physical, emotional and mental levels, Angelic Reiki helps to balance the whole person, and does not just deal with the symptoms.    

Is there any possible adverse effect from Reiki and Angelic Reiki?

Absolutely none, as each healing session is dedicated to the highest good and conducted with the highest intention for the best possible healing for the individual at the moment in time.  The intention of the healer and client sets the stage for the process and outcome of the healing session.   It is important to note that the client may experience symptoms of cleansing either during or after the healing session.  Some may experience discomfort in the limbs, especially in the areas of the joints where blocked energy has been cleared and is starting to move.  Every healing experience is absolutely perfect for the individual’s well-being.    


Who is it suitable for?

Angelic Reiki is suitable for everyone, including pregnant women, children and babies.  Anyone, of any age, can benefit from this type of healing.
Animals and plants, in fact any living being can be treated.

What about medication my doctor has prescribed for me?

Angelic Reiki can be used alongside orthodox medicine, as well as other holistic or complementary therapies.  You should always seek  medical advice before ceasing any prescription medication.   

What does a healing session consist of?

At the commencement of a healing treatment, the practitioner and client will discuss what will happen during the session and why the client has come for the treatment. The client will be asked to sit in a chair, or to lie on a massage couch, fully clothed. The practitioner places their hands on the shoulders for a client who is sitting, or the upper chest and solar plexus area the body of a client who is lying down.  Angelic Reiki then flows to wherever it is most needed.  The client may experience this energy as sensations of warmth, cold or tingling.  Most people however, simply relax, and enjoy the treatment.  Each client’s experience, and hence the healing they receive, is unique to them. Whatever healing the client receives, will be what he/she most need at that time, and will be perfect for them.    

How long does a healing treatment last?

Healing sessions usually last for about an hour and the healing continues to be integrated for up to 28 days after the session.    

How many sessions will I need?

Because everyone’s healing needs and experience are unique to each individual we do not assess this beforehand but go with the guidance given during the healing session. Angelic Reiki is a very pure and efficient “hands on healing” and therefore most people need very few treatments before problems are resolved. In fact many people report pains and emotional issues disappearing after only one session. However, where disease or illness has been long standing, a number of sessions could be beneficial.     

I would like to come for an Angelic Reiki treatment but I have never done anything like this before. What should I wear and do I have to prepare myself in any way?

You do not specifically have to prepare yourself in any way, simply come with an open mind and be ready to receive whatever comes up for you during the healing. Wear clothes that you will feel comfortable in when lying down on the couch.     

What if I want to learn Angelic Reiki?

Angelic Reiki attracts people from all walks of life.  Many wish to become Practitioners and Teachers of this unique system of healing; many others choose to learn Angelic Reiki for their own development and to use it with family and friends. Anyone can learn Angelic Reiki irregardless of education, race, culture and religion.  It is the individual’s personal intention and decision that determines the possibility of being an Angelic Reiki practitioner.  Everyone comes to learn Angelic Reiki out of personal volition.  Angelic Reiki is an invitation and blessings to everyone who is ready to receive it.   


Do I have to have trained in traditional Reiki before I do Angelic Reiki?

The answer is no you do not have to have had any training or experience in traditional Reiki or any other complementary therapy to train in Angelic Reiki. However, we do find that practitioners and teachers of other healing systems are attracted to Angelic Reiki and do the workshops.  

Can children learn Angelic Reiki?

Yes, if they are at least 14 years of age and able to attend for the full duration of the workshop.  Ideally, their parent or a responsible adult would learn Angelic Reiki with them.      

My command of the English language is not very good, can I still attend the workshop? Must I take notes and remember lots of symbols?

Yes, you may attend the workshop. The workshop is conducted in English and it is necessary that you have sufficient knowledge of the language to follow the workshop process and instructions. The Student Workbook is also in English for your reference at leisure. There is no expectation that you must take notes or remember the symbols.    

Do I have to prepare in any way for the workshop and the attunements?

Not necessarily, go with your own guidance here. It may be that you would like to prepare so that you can be more comfortably accommodate the new and higher  energies of the workshop there are a few things you can do. But these are only suggestions and not compulsory by any means it is down to each individual.

You may want to reduce your intake of stimulants such as tea coffee and alcohol about seven days before and during the workshop. You will begin to connect with the energies of the workshop and the group about a week prior to the workshop. You may begin to feel tired, emotional or even feel unwell. This is all perfectly normal. You are simply letting go of old energies that you no longer need in preparation for the wonderful new energies of Angelic Reiki to come in.    

Frequently Asked Questions

What is Reiki?

How does Angelic Reiki differ from Usui Reiki systems?

How does Angelic Reiki energy work?

Is it safe?

Is there any possible adverse effect from Reiki and Angelic Reiki?

Who is it suitable for?

What about medication my doctor has prescribed for me?

What does a healing session consist of?

How long does a healing treatment last?

How many sessions will I need?

I would like to come for an Angelic Reiki treatment but I have never done anything like this before. What should I wear and do I have to prepare myself in any way?

What if I want to learn Angelic Reiki?

Do I have to have trained in traditional Reiki before I do Angelic Reiki?

Can children learn Angelic Reiki?

My command of the English language is not very good, can I still attend the workshop? Must I take notes and remember lots of symbols?

Do I have to prepare in any way for the workshop and the attunements?


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